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Re: East, West and Main Branch DuPage Rivers

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 10:55 pm
by Ken G
Did I write all that shit?
So when I say I've forgotten more than most will ever know about rivers around here, it's now becoming true.

Job, gas prices, time and on and on.

I fished 7 minutes from my house today and got 11 smallies. 8 in the 16-18 inch range. Why travel.

I did get down there once last year, below I-80, look for Shepley Road. That is definitely canoe/kayak water.

I think 2 miles is too much for one day if you plan on picking things apart. Takes me 3 to 4 hours to go from Orchard to Saw Wee Kee canoe launch if the fishing is good and I'm not goofing off.

You picked a good goal. I might be convinced to tag along on a mile or two.

I thought of doing a Kickstarter thing to fund a journey fishing around northern Illinois. I explained it all in a winter HO article. Would result in a well documented book with hopefully excellent photos. And lots of fishing. This guy did it in a canoe, okay explanations and no photos. He did half the research for me already.

Re: East, West and Main Branch DuPage Rivers

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 8:12 am
by Special Ed
The DuPage is a different river than the Fox, width and depth are just two of the differences. Picking apart the Duper will not take as long as the Fox (in most stretches). 2 miles may be a touch ambitious but I need the exercise.

If you start one of those kickstart deals I will pitch in some coin. I think the travel would do you some good.

BTW - where is the report on all those big smallies you got?


Re: East, West and Main Branch DuPage Rivers

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 10:16 am
by Ken G
Special Ed wrote:BTW - where is the report on all those big smallies you got?
I'm getting there. Long with lots of shitty pictures. Couldn't get the settings right, so went with making them worse.

I sent you an email a few days ago about a Property Manager job in Indiana, thought your dad might do it.

I applied and made the first cut. Wife doesn't want to do it. The logistics are a bitch. If her pets and her mother all went away magically, would be a different story.

That river project would be interesting to do.

Re: East, West and Main Branch DuPage Rivers

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 1:56 pm
by Special Ed
My Dad is recovering from shoulder surgery and is full time daycare for the little girl they adopted. It would be too much for them to move, plus my brother, his wife, and their little girl are moving in with them soon. She's Navy and got recruiting duty in Aurora. Right now they live in VA near Norfolk Naval Base.

It will be cool to have him and my Niece closer. He loves to fish almost as much as me. Some good trips lie ahead of us, I need to get him a pair of waders.

Re: East, West and Main Branch DuPage Rivers

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 8:05 am
by Nick
I think I am going to start off my smallie quest this weekend.

My mother in law lives in Plainfield off of 135th and 59. Every time I drive there, I pass right over the duper but I have never actually fished it. There is a canoe launch right there so river access and parking is a breeze. The question is which way do I start walking? South towards Caton Farm or North towards the trout park?

Re: East, West and Main Branch DuPage Rivers

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 11:27 am
by Special Ed
The further south you go (I believe) the deeper the duper gets and it might be tough this weekend with the high water.

I would actually start North and work your way South.

Re: East, West and Main Branch DuPage Rivers

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 6:47 pm
by amason
This is where I grew up. Reading through this thread only makes me want to go out to my parents' and get my feet wet. This is definitely high on the goals list of things I want to be doing this year. I know so many of these areas and have never fished them.

So about those waders...

Re: East, West and Main Branch DuPage Rivers

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 9:11 pm
by Ken G
Cabela's. Get breathables. They're all decent, it's a matter of what you can afford. Boots have to have a rubber sole, not felt. Felt is crap on mud, like ice. Cabelas had a pair that aren't bad for around $60, can't remember the model name.

Glad to see old posts are being perused. Makes this worth it.

I think Ed used to fish them more years ago too. He might be able to fill in more blanks. Just ask.

Re: East, West and Main Branch DuPage Rivers

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 9:31 pm
by amason
What about preference on waders with built in boots vs. sock footed with wading boots over it?

Re: East, West and Main Branch DuPage Rivers

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 10:14 pm
by Johndyers34
I've always used stocking foot waders with boots over them. Most of the boot foot waders are neoprene and can really cause for "wader balls" in the summer months. Boot foot waders are better in the colder months since they allow your toes to move around in the freezing cold water.
Just my two cents.
Looks like the East Branch will get hit pretty hard with a fly rod on Sunday (weather/water permitting).