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Contemplating Retirement

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 12:11 am
by AndrewR
With being too preoccupied with fishing up north starting last week with pretty much no end in sight until early July, I have no time to get out fishing on the DPR. What's worse is that there are dead bodies floating up every single week and none of my reliable friends are trying much either. Neither of that helps. With corpses swimming in my spots around the Riverside area now, I'm on the verge of giving up on this river completely.

Dale knows my story. I told him I'd be happier feeding him info from northern Wisconsin.

Do I stick with this DPR thing as I get info and the time to get out for some fishing while at home? When I'm at home now in between my week-long trips, I'm here for 3 or 4 days to get work done and catch up with friends, and then I leave for the next round. Just returned on Saturday from a week of kick-ass fishing, and I leave next on Thursday for another week.

Or should I pass the reigns onto someone who has better local availability now than I do?

I don't really know anymore. I just like having my name in the paper each week along with my site link. But if I'm not fishing or getting any info, then what good am I?


Re: Contemplating Retirement

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 11:50 am
by Ken G
When I was in the process of destroying my canoe shop for a couple of years, my reports were pretty inconsistent. Dale never minded. He appreciates the info when he can get it. Suggestions of where you would fish if you were to go out fishing are always good. Not hard to do. When I'm not getting out I can always make those suggestions to him and he'll run them. I've fished enough places under enough different conditions to make a pretty good call on where someone should go.

In other words, send him what you can when you can.

Dan would be an obvious choice if he could put together a coherent paragraph and not always resort to using emoticons and one liners that only he thinks are funny. :D :D

I passed on the names of a couple of guys on the Fox that fish it north of Geneva. I never go north. If I quit what I do for him, I can't think of anyone reliable and consistent that could feed him the info I send. Unless they're out there and intimidated by me. I've never said I'm even a good fisherman. I just like to go fishing.

Re: Contemplating Retirement

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 4:18 pm
by AndrewR
I'll actually listen to you this time around.

I'll give Dale EVERYTHING that I know of right now for tomorrow's report. It isn't a whole lot or in-depth like it usually is.

Re: Contemplating Retirement

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 4:20 pm
by Ken G
As long as it's even an accurate theory, he'll probably like it.

I can't believe you're going to listen to me. :D :D