Dupage 7/5
Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 7:59 pm
Got to the river in Plainfield around 3pm today; and the river keeps getting in better shape. This section cleared up ALOT since yesterday. I was actually very suprised to see such a big change in just a day. The visibilty is probably close to 4ft or more. I dont think there was a spot I walked throught that I couldnt make out every rock and boulder. Ended up with around 14 or 15 fish today. The biggest suprise (which I guess after yesterdays report shouldnt be) was 3 largemouth two of which were around 14 or 15". The rest of the fish caught were smallies between 5 and 13". Most fish today were taken either with a jig and craw or jig and helgie. I almost didnt make it out after the wicked sunburn I got yesterday but with rain forecast for everyday this week and not getting out for almost a month I had to take advantage of it and am glad I did! Fish were really aggressive today; I had two fish grab my craw in about an inch off of shore the second it hit the water! I also met up with a friend and fished a little further downstream near a bridge from shore I picked up two here and I believe he was at 3 when I left. All were on a wacky rigged Dinger in Junebug. Whats funny is this first area is where I used to fish alot and it was always like today. The last 2yrs it hasnt produced like it used to including yesterday. I guess it was the right place at the right time.