IHSA Bass Fishing Tournaments

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Ken G
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IHSA Bass Fishing Tournaments

Post by Ken G »

On a good day, Bob Long, Jr. of the Chicago Park District would dream of taking the Park District's Kid Fishin' Program into the classroom. Dreaming of making it a regular class no different than say, math. Starting out with the public schools, then slowly branching out from there.

With a classroom program like that, the potential of getting tens of thousands of kids interested in fishing seems like a possibility. The impact that could have on the fishing industry, and the future of fishing, could be tremendous.

Instead, with competitive fishing, a few hundred kids will get involved. They come to the fishing sport thinking that you have to have a boat and all the latest expensive equipment just to go out and catch a fish. That's all fine, I just don't see much of a long term impact.

At the high end of middle age, I know more anglers without all that equipment than with it. We all get out fishing much more than they do and who caught the biggest fish doesn't matter.

It's about the initial tap and then the tug on the line.
Ken G
Stand still like the hummingbird.